Main Stream Media: CNN, Fox News, NBCNews, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Seattle Times, etc. This is what most see as traditional news media. You can access current newspapers through the database Global Newstream.
Primary Scientific Literature: Scientific research article. In the sciences, original research is considered a primary source. Below are some suggested databases to search for your article.
An index of citations to international publications in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, material culture, folklore and interdisciplinary studies.
A database covering research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology, and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science.
Tip: When full text is not available, use Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad).
A tool to conduct a broad search for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, patents, and technical reports.
Tip: Use Google Scholar to see how often a publication has been cited and connect to WWU subscriptions off campus. How do I connect Google Scholar to library subscriptions from off campus?
Secondary Scientific Literature: This is a review article that looks at the research discussed in the primary source. This will give you a view of the research before your primary scientific article was published. This article should be older than your primary scientific article.
A multi-database search tool combining all three Web of Science indexes (the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index).
Tip: You can use this index to find works that have cited a specific author or article.
An index of citations to international publications in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, material culture, folklore and interdisciplinary studies.
A database covering research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology, and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science.
Tip: When full text is not available, use Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad).
A tool to conduct a broad search for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, patents, and technical reports.
Tip: Use Google Scholar to see how often a publication has been cited and connect to WWU subscriptions off campus. How do I connect Google Scholar to library subscriptions from off campus?
Tertiary Scientific Literature: This can often be an introduction to a more complicates source. This could be an encyclopedia, textbook, or an older academic article that was cited by your research article. Tertiary sources can provide important context, previous knowledge and research, and even keywords for doing more research. Use the same databases to search for related academic source. Search OneSeach for books or encyclopedias. Below are some related print and eBooks.