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Research and Writing in Environmental Studies

Research & Writing Process

  1. Know the process and make a plan for it.
  2. Use the strategy: Research Questions / Lines of Inquiry = Δ Question.
  3. Search for stuff in 3 places.
  4. Get access to stuff.
  5. Review and analyze your assignment compared to your current stuff.
  6. Collect your research citations.
  7. Write your literature review or presentation.

Know and Plan the Process

Use the ENVS 319 Assignment Calculator to know the process ahead and plan for it.

screenshot of Google sheet

Step 2: Question Your Problem

Research Question / Lines of Inquiry = Δ Question.

Use the guiding principles in the 5-minute video where to make your brainstormed topic ideas into Lines of Inquiry that are:

→ Multidimensional and complex

→ Narrow in focus

→ Specific in language

Then, use your questions and their potential as additional words and phrases when you search.