Western Libraries is committed to helping you succeed as a student and we provide resources for every aspect of your time as a student.
We provide help with research, writing, study skills and time management, math and science tutoring, access to books and articles, and technology support, and more.
Western Libraries consists of two building: Haggard and Wilson. The main floors of Haggard and Wilson are where you will find numerous services and people to help you.
Western Libraries has both print books and electronic books. Most physical books are are in Wilson, floors 3-5. We put all of our new arrivals in the Daylight Lounge on the main floor of Haggard.
Our collection is organized by topic. We use Library of Congress Call Numbers. This means if you are looking for books on a specific topic, you will find them located in the same general collection. While OneSearch can be a great way to locate books online, looking at books can be useful when starting a new project.