Poetry for Children - A blog about finding and sharing poetry with young people.
Locate reviews, book lists, interviews, and conferences.
The Horn Book, Book Links, Reading Teacher, Multicultural Review, Kirkus Reviews and School Library Journal are all available in print or full-text online via the Western Libraries Home Page: library.wwu.edu
Published online, The Voice of Youth Advocates, VOYA and The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books are excellent resources.
Children's Literature Review, is a multi-volume series (over 150!) that contains history and criticism of authors and illustrators. Cumulative indexes, for finding entries, are located within the series. Search in OneSearch - the library catalog for access to issues.
Horn Book Published since 1924, The Horn Book offers interviews, articles, reviews and editorials. Go to the Web site for inks to the newsletter, blog and awards: www.hbook.com
Book Links is for teachers, youth librarians, school library media specialists, reading specialists, and curriculum coordinators. Articles provide comprehensive information on using books in the classroom, including thematic bibliographies with related discussion questions and activities, author and illustrator interviews and essays, and articles by educators.
Reading Teacher includes:
MultiCultural Review: Dedicated to a Better Understanding of Ethnic, Racial, and Religious Diversity, includes discussions, bibliographic essays, ethnographic articles, and reviews of non-print resources.
Kirkus Reviews, founded in 1933, is published twice monthly and reviews, one to three months before the publication date, 4,000-5,000 titles per year: fiction, mysteries, science fiction and fantasy, translations, nonfiction and children's and young adult books. The reviews are reliable and authoritative, written by specialists selected for their knowledge and expertise in a particular field.
School Library Journal was first published in 1954. It is a monthly publication with articles and reviews for school and public librarians who work with young people. Lots of material is available on the Web site: www.schoollibraryjournal.com