Horn solo ....................M82
Horn solo with piano .....M257-270
Horn sonata .................M257-259
Brass trio .....................M357
Brass quartet ...............M457
Brass quintet ................M557
Wind trio ......................M355
Wind quartet .................M458
Wind quintet ..................M557
An index to publications about music and musicians, including performance reviews, obituaries, periodicals, and book reviews.
Tip: A print version is available in the Music Library reference area (ML 118 .M84).
A database providing access to portions of books, international periodical literature, and other music publications.
Tip: The print version is available in the Music Library building reference area (ML 1 I83).
How to search the catalog:
Horn Music
Horn Music Bibliography
Horn Musical Instrument
Horn Musical Instrument Instruction and Study
Horn Musical Instrument Methods
Horn Musical Instrument Orchestral Excerpts
Horn Musical Instrument Studies and Exercises
Guide developed by Kaleigh Cook, WWU Distinguished Student Employee