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MGMT 481: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Finding Country Reports

Country reports available in Business Source Complete. (Not all reports are available for all countries)

  • Country Profile: (Marketline) Includes overview of political, economics, technological, and legal landscape
  • Country Review: (CountryWatch) Each Country Review covers geographical, political, economic, corporate, and environmental information; includes a segment on investment climate.
  • Country Monitor: (IHS Global Insight) Country reports, including econmic risk, forcast and growth. 
  • Country Inteligence: (IHS Global Insight): Includes economic growth, consumer demands, monetary policy, external trade partners, and more. 
  • Business Monitor International publications: the "Monitor" publications: Asia Monitor, Latin America Monitor, Emerging Markets Monitor, etc.)
  • Background Notes: (US State Dept publications)
  • Some OECD: publications from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 
  • Political Risk Yearbook

Where to Find Relates Articles and Resources

International Organizations and Google