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Many industry resources use the NAICS and SIC codes to organize their information. Most companies have primary and secondary classifications--pay attention to all of them. Sometimes a company's secondary industry classification will be more important to your project than their primary classification.
North American Industry
Classification (NAICS)
Created by the Census Bureau in 1997, NAICS replaced the SIC. Each industry is assigned a unique number is a code used to identify and describe North American (US, Canada, and Mexico) industures. It is hierarchical and classifies
each industry by broad group and then subdivides each into smaller, more
specific classifications.
Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC)
SIC system used to describe the structure of
American industries. A hierarchical system, industries are organized into broad
industry groups and then subdivided into smaller groups. Each industry carries
a unique four-digit classification code ranging from 0100 to 9999. The SIC was
replaced in 1997 with the North American Industrial Classification System but
many sources still use the SIC.