Please note, this guide is only an indication of resources in the Music Library for studies in music education. It is not a comprehensive listing of all relevant materials, but this guide does provide you with the resources to begin your research.
Article Indexes:
International Index to Music Periodicals [electronic resource]: IIMP. Alexandria,
VA: Chadwyck-Healey Inc.; [Ann Arbor, MI]: Pro Quest Information and Learning Company
ML113 .I58 [internet]
Music Index. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1949-
Print version covers articles published 1949-2005. Online version covers articles published
from 1979-present
ML118 .M84 [internet]
RILM Abstracts of Musical Literature. New York, NY: RILM; Baltimore, MD: NISC, c1997-
Print version covers 1969-1997
ML1 .I835 [internet]
Databases for Music Education:
CAIRSS for Music: Computer-assisted Information Retrieval Service System. San
Antonio, TX: Institute for Music Research, University of Texas, 1994?-
Provides only citations to 27 periodicals related to music education, psychology, medicine, and music therapy
ML113 .C32 1994 [internet]
Musical Education Resource Base: Including the Canadian Music Index. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, c1995
An index covering about 35 periodicals normally indexed in Canadian Music Index since 1956
ML128 .I64 [internet]
An index to publications about music and musicians, including performance reviews, obituaries, periodicals, and book reviews.
Tip: A print version is available in the Music Library reference area (ML 118 .M84).
A database providing access to portions of books, international periodical literature, and other music publications.
Tip: The print version is available in the Music Library building reference area (ML 1 I83).
Professional Organizations:
Online Resources:
M1985.................Musical Games
M1990.................Kindergarten Songbooks
M1992.................Primary & Secondary School Songbooks
ML81...................Musical Prodigies
ML83..................Children and Music
ML128.J8............Bibliography Juvenile Music
ML132.................Graded Lists
ML156.4.C5.........Discography Children’s Music
ML3928-3930.......Literature for Children
MT17...................Music in Special Education
MT155.................Theory for Children
MT918.................School Music
MT920.................Kindergarten Music
MT930.................Elementary School Music
MT948 & M1993...Action Songs
Selecting search terms:
When you are just beginning your research, discovering which terms to search on can be daunting. Here are a couple approaches:
Limiting searches by media type:
How to search the catalog:
Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile
Kodaly, Zoltan
Music Instruction and Study Juvenile
Music Instruction and Study Philosophy
Orff, Carl
Preschool Music
School Music
School Music Instruction and Study
Activity Programs
School Music Public Relations
School Music Supervision
Guide developed by Kaleigh Cook, WWU Distinguished Student Employee