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Research and Writing in Plastics & Composites Engineering

This and other Research and Writing Canvas modules are available for your course:

  • Research and Writing (full version of this guide, individual sections also available)
  • Critical Reading Strategies
  • Getting Started with Problem/ Inquiry
  • Finding Sources
  • Research Management with Zotero
  • Revising and Editing


Please contact Team Science for support in loading or embedding this content, requesting a Research & Writing Workshop, and other services.


Materials in this guide were created in part by the Hacherl Research and Writing Studio and Western Librarians. Materials were informed by evidence-based curricular strategies focused on building equity into academic literacies praxis. The Teaching & Learning Division of Western Libraries considers the following four learning outcomes in all instructional design and delivery:

  • Use and value INQUIRY for gaining and sharing knowledge
  • COLLABORATE as members of a diverse intellectual community
  • Demonstrate a sense of AGENCY for managing one’s own learning
  • EVALUATE and challenge traditional and oppressive norms


Contact Western Librarians to collaborate on research and writing tools and instruction for your students!