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MKTG 483: Advertising & Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Approach: Media Research

Researching Media

Many of the resources used for consumer behavior will be helpful for media information, too. Below are some additional information and resources.

Media Habits

Advertising Cost

Print and Online Media
The cost for print and online media can often be found through media kits, advertising packets, and other information made available by the publishers. Use the resources below to locate the cost of to advertise in magazines, newspapers, and online. 

Broadcast Media
The cost of advertising on radio, network and cable television is based on many factors, including ratings and time of day. Finding an exact cost can be very difficult. Marketer's Guide to Media will have the best radio and television ad cost to use as an estimate. However, some cost may be found in articles in Ad Week and other advertising trade magazines found in Business Source Complete. 

Finding these costs is difficult and frustrating and sometimes a guesstimate is the best you will be able to do. 

Ad Age Datacenter
The Advertising Age Datacenter has numerous useful reports from the cost of advertising on television to top media markets to marketing fact packs. The 2015 reports are restricted, but some of the the 2014 reports are available (in some cases you may have to register). You can browse all of the reports at Datacenter, but I have also linked to some useful reports below. You can also do a Google search for the following: "digital media factpack" to find links to similar information.