MeSH stands for Medical Subject Headings. These terms are used to systematically index and describe information in the PubMed database. You can also use MeSH terms when searching MEDLINE, and they can be used in CINAHL to an extent.
One of the challenges with getting started with academic research is knowing what search terms to use. As students, you are often still learning the specialized language of the discipline and may not always know the best way to find terms to search for. Here is a three step process you can use to get started.
A database of nursing and health journals. Provides full-text access for more than 1,300 journals, and indexes more than 5,000 additional journals.
Tip: Use the CINAHL heading search to find the best terms to locate sources.
Follow this link to learn how to access HEAL-WA and use Cochrane's Database of Systematic Reviews
Saving Searches in EBSCO Databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ERIC):