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Nursing Resources: Developing a search strategy

This is a guide to library resources for nursing students and faculty.


One of the challenges with getting started with academic research is knowing what terms to use. As students, you are often still learning the specialized language of the discipline and may not always know the best way to find terms to search for. Here is a three step process you can use to get started.

  1. Step one: Fill out the "Nursing topic development free-write form"
  2. Step two: Copy and paste your free write content into MeSH on Demand
  3. Step three: Use the MeSH terms generated in CINAHL or MEDLINE in order to find relevant sources.

MeSH on Demand

MeSH on Demand logo

MeSH on Demand identifies MeSH Terms in your text using the NLM Medical Text Indexer (MTI) program. After processing, MeSH on Demand returns a list of MeSH Terms relevant to your text.

Click here to visit the MeSH on Demand tool.

Databases using MeSH terms

Generating search terms using PICO

A video from Purdue University Northwest Library
(video will open in new window)