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Children's Literature Interdisciplinary Collection - CLIC

Resources that support the teaching, learning and scholarship of children's and young adult literature.

Reflective Learning Spaces

Reflective Learning Spaces: What We Imagined Together

During Winter Quarter 2010, TLA participants gathered to discuss this question: What do WE mean by a sustainable, reflective learning culture?

On February 24th and 25th, TLA participants convened in Wilson Library. With inspiration from An Imaginary Library: Children’s Books That Do Not (Yet) Exist (an exhibit from the International Youth Library, Munich, Germany), TLA participants did a mirroring project. In small groups, participants created their images of reflective learning spaces, using watercolor paints and colored pencils.

After creating the images, the small group members collectively wrote short narratives to accompany their images.

The images and text have been bound into a book that is a collection of image-stories.

View the images and accompanying texts:

Our "Published" Collection

What is the TLA?

TLA logo

Western Washington University’s Teaching-Learning Academy (TLA) includes students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members who come together each quarter to study and enhance Western’s learning culture through dialogue.

More infromation on TLA: