Email the Division
Individual Unit Contact Information:
Special Collections, 6th Floor Wilson Library,, 360-650-3193
University Archives and Records Management, Goltz-Murray Archives Building,, 360-650-3124
Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Goltz-Murray Archives Building,, 360-650-7534
Division Website:
Western Libraries' catalog, OneSearch, provides searchable information about holdings at Western Libraries and other research libraries in the region, including those found in other archives and special collections.
To learn more about how to use Western Libraries' Catalog, check out the OneSearch Library Guide and this short video tutorial from the Hacherl Reading & Writing Studio. And visit SPOT for more helpful online library tutorials!
You may find it useful to search OneSearch using some of the following search terms:
Or try narrowing down a topical term, for example:
Western Libraries provides access to a wide variety of article and research databases (a WWU log-in is required). In addition to the examples listed below, make sure to visit the Library Guide to Databases A-Z. To learn more about how to use Western Libraries' databases, check out this short video tutorial from the Hacherl Research and Writing Studio, and/or ask staff at the Libraries' Reference Desk for assistance.
A multi-disciplinary database of full-text access to approximately 6,600 journals and magazines and nearly 6,000 full-text peer-reviewed journals.
Topics including anthropology, ethnic and multicultural studies, geography, law, religion and philosophy, and women’s studies.
The Hacherl Research & Writing Studio provides support for research, reading, and writing across all subjects. They can help with...