Mergent OnlineMergent provides detailed current and historical (15 years) financial information on public and privately-held US and international companies. Includes links to recent news and SEC filings.
Value Line Investment SurveyA collection of investment reports updated quarterly for 1,700 publicly-traded companies. It provides financial strength, current and historical financials, and 3-5 year projections. Each report includes a short commentary on each company and its industry.Tip: Look up companies by ticker symbol, company name, or industry. Investment reports are a great way to look at the overall financial health of a company, its competitors, and the industry. A full guide to reading an Investment Report can be found here
SEC EdgarEdgar is the search engine for the Security and Exchange Commission. You can search for a company's SEC fillings (10Ks, proxies, etc.).
Dossier [LexisNexis]A directory of public and privately held US and international companies. Includes contact information, a corporate tree, and brands. Use Advanced Search to find out who makes a brand or product. Includes sales and revenue. This can be useful when looking for info on private companies.
Value Line Fund AdvisorAn analysis of mutual funds. Monthly Fund Survey provides rankings, growth, and return on all funds listed.Tip: Search by Fund Ticker or name to find more in-depth detail and analysis.
Wolfram AlphaA computational database, the money and finance section can be used to search for and compare company finances, bonds, mutual funds, and more. Look carefully at the results--Wolfram Alpha picks the bext fit, and that best fit isn't always correct.
A database providing access to newspapers, news websites, and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world.
Business Source Complete [EBSCO]Company Reports have recent financial information. Some journals may have financial analysis or other financial information that will be helpful.